Allergist Los Angeles
As a condition that affects over 50 million Americans, allergies are responsible for more visits to the doctor than any other condition. Why is it so prevalent in today’s society? A generation ago people suffering from allergies were uncommon. Today it is so common that learning how to administer a life saving anaphylactic shot is a job requirement for those working with children. If you're looking for a qualified Los Angeles allergist, contact Dr. Aminpour today and schedule a consultation.
Dr. Aminpour
If you are experiencing allergic reactions and are looking for relief, allergy doctor Dr. Shervin Aminpour is a board-certified ENT who specializes in testing and treatment. There are many new treatments for allergies which can greatly improve the quality of life for everybody. Consulting a Los Angeles allergist familiar with this city's environmental factors is the first step to regaining freedom from symptoms such as hay fever.
Why are 1 in 5 Americans Suffering from Allergies?
One theory is called the hygiene hypothesis. 200 years ago clean drinking water was not readily available, especially in urban areas. Water treatment of city water didn't begin until after 1820. The population was regularly exposed to bacteria and the body’s immune system was constantly strengthened by the necessity of fighting off cholera and typhoid bacteria among others.
Coming forward in time, medical science developed vaccinations, antibiotics, disinfectants and other tools to fight disease and while we are now highly protected from bacteria, we have suffered by throwing the immune system out of balance. We live in a relatively sterile world now spending much of our time indoors. We are not exposed to the vast array of bacteria that exist in the soil, plants and animals unless we live on a farm.
This theory is strengthened by the fact that people living on farms are far less likely to develop allergies. Another fact is that in developing countries, allergies are actually rare. The people in these areas are constantly exposed to many forms of bacteria which keeps their immune system in balance.
The immune system of Western populations is out of balance causing an exaggerated response to everyday environmental materials. Consulting a leading allergy doctor in Los Angeles allows sufferers to have their specific allergies identified and effectively treated.

Allergy Symptoms
By definition, allergies are the abnormal response of the immune system to substances that are usually harmless, such as pollen, fur or peanuts. When the immune system reacts, the result is the symptoms such as sneezing, itching and watery eyes.
Allergies are often associated with foods or seasonal changes. When weather warms up, trees, plants and grasses emit pollen into the air, which often triggers reactions in people. Some people have allergies that last year-round as well, with reactions to plants, animals, food and more.
Inhalation and Skin Exposure Allergy Symptoms
There are several ways in which patients can be exposed to allergens. Perhaps the most common is inhalation or skin exposure, and this can occur with pollen, ragweed or animal dander. Symptoms include:
- Watering and itchy eyes
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Feeling drained or ill
- Hives or rashes
Food Allergy Symptoms

Food consumption can also cause allergic reactions. People are commonly allergic to foods such as peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and shellfish. This results in:
- Stomach cramps
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
Insect Allergy Symptoms
Insect stings, such as from a bee or a wasp, can cause:
- Swelling at the sting site
- Redness
- Pain
When these symptoms are observed, you should visit Dr. Shervin Aminpour.
In severe situations, a patient can experience an allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a very harsh reaction that requires medical attention on an immediate basis. The most common causes of anaphylaxis are:- Drug allergies
- Food allergies
- Insect allergies, such as a bee sting
Anaphylaxis produces a number of severe symptoms, including:

- Itching and hives all over the body
- Shortness of breath or total inability to breathe
- Difficulty swallowing
- Vomiting and nausea
- Heart palpitations
A Top Allergist in Los Angeles
Dr. Aminpour is a board-certified ear, nose and throat doctor and allergist who offers extremely effective allergy treatment in the area, regularly providing his patients with total relief. If you suffer from allergies, please give us a call to set an appointment.
Allergist Dr. Aminpour in the Media
About Allergies
Though there are still many questions about why allergies develop in the first place, there is information on what’s happening in your body.
The immune system is the body’s defense system — it fights off invading germs that get into your body. This defense system, composed of white blood cells, works 24 hours a day to keep you healthy.
When someone has allergies, the immune system and white blood cells see the invading germs as dangerous, even when they’re actually harmless. The pollen, animal dander or other substance enters into your body and your immune system immediately goes into action.
Once the substance enters your body, the body releases chemicals, called histamines, to fight the invader. The histamines cause your blood vessels to open up, allowing more blood to flow. Fluid containing more defensive chemicals now flows more easily from your bloodstream into individual cells. As this happens, the small blood vessels in your nose widen, causing fluids to leak into the surrounding tissues. This is where you get the runny nose, itching, watery eyes and other symptoms of nasal allergies.
Essentially your body successfully fights off substances that it deems dangerous, but it is a wasted effort because with allergies, the substances are usually harmless.
Dr. Aminpour is considered one of the best best allergy specialists in Los Angeles because of his ability to provide total relief for anybody in need. He does this by treating the source of the allergy, not just treating the symptoms. This is vital for obtaining permanent relief.

Allergy Treatments
Allergy Therapy
Dr. Aminpour offers a unique form of allergy therapy known as immunotherapy. This involves administering extracts of known allergens, which actually alters the body’s reaction, giving the patient relief from the source of allergies.
TherapyBalloon Sinuplasty
As a minimally invasive procedure offering permanent relief, balloon sinuplasty is a breakthrough in ENT technology. Dr. Aminpour is a certified balloon sinuplasty technician, and has helped countless patients through this short, outpatient procedure.
Balloon SinuplastyEustachian Tube Dysfunction
Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is a condition affecting up to 5% of the adult population. It can cause muffled hearing, pain in the ear, and other symptoms. Untreated, long term Eustachian tube dysfunction can have serious health consequences, including damage to the eardrum and middle ear.
Eustachian Tube DysfunctionAllergies FAQ
What is Immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy treatment is also known as allergy shots. Minor exposure to the allergens causing a reaction will cause your immune system to become desensitized to that allergen over time. Over the counter allergy medications as well as prescription medications only treat the symptoms for the short term. Immunotherapy can lead to a significant decrease in common allergy symptoms over a longer period of time.
Why are There so Many More Allergy Sufferers Today Than in Past Generations?
In modern times, medical advances, vaccines, antibiotics, and disinfectants have played a role in protecting us from viruses that invade our immune systems. With a relatively clean environment, our bodies are no longer exposed to as many of the most common bacteria. When the body is exposed to bacteria, the balance stays in check. Modern life has disrupted the balance, and it is believed that one result is that people suffer from more allergies than occurred in previous generations.
What are Common Allergy Symptoms?
- Itchy watery eyes
- Sniffling, sneezing and coughing
- Fatigue
- Hives, rashes
What is the Best Method for Testing Allergies?
Skin testing is the accurate way to determine your sensitivities to allergens such as pollen, mold, ragweed, dust mites and food allergies. Blood tests are another method that can reveal what allergens are affecting your health.
How Can I Treat My Allergies?
When it comes to allergies, Dr. Aminpour believes targeting the immune system with allergen immunotherapy is the most effective option. There are many medications on the market that target nasal congestion, a chronic runny nose, sneezing and other common symptoms. While these options can be helpful, they can only provide temporary relief and therefore do not get to the root of the problem. Allergen immunotherapy offers the best option for those who are looking for a lasting treatment.
What is Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that must be treated immediately. Anaphylaxis is rare, but those who experience the reaction will need to take an epinephrine shot without delay. With proper treatment, the symptoms can be reversed within a few minutes. Sometimes the reaction is more severe and a second shot will need to be administered. This treatment may save a life.
What is Rhinitis?
Symptoms from nasal irritation or inflammation are commonly called rhinitis and include a runny and itchy nose, sneezing and possible stuffy nose due to congestion or a blockage. Rhinitis is also known as hay fever. Systems stemming from hay fever usually subside within a few weeks, but if they persist more than six weeks, the condition is called acute rhinitis. Rhinitis is linked to allergies. Some patients can have no symptoms and then have them during certain months or seasons of the year. The severity of symptoms may vary throughout the years.
What are Allergy Medicines?
The most common allergy medicine is some form of antihistamine. Histamines are released by your body in response to an allergen, leading to the common symptoms including watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Antihistamine medications reduce the symptoms by reducing or blocking the histamines to relieve symptoms – but do not resolve the allergy. For chronic symptoms, visit Dr. Aminpour for allergy testing and a more comprehensive treatment to address the actual cause of the condition. If you wish to learn more, contact us today and schedule a consultation with arguably the best allergist Los Angeles has to offer.